Kategoria:Artykuły spożywcze -> Napoje -> Alkohole
Kraj: Włochy
Region: Włochy
Miasto: Foligno |
Ulica: Via Stefano Ponti 15
Telefon: +39 0742 24461
Faks: +39 0742 24101 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Soft Economy Soc. Coop. a r.l jest grupą działającą w sektorze rolnospożywczym na terenie Umbrii (centralne Włochy), które zrzesza tutejszych producentów pod wspólną marką Oasi Umbria.
Ten malowniczy teren, pokryty lasami i pagórkami, na których przycupnęły średniowieczne miasteczka to również tradycyjna kuchnia, ręcznej roboty pasta z truflami, znakomite oliwy pochodzące z naszych gajów oliwnych czy pobyt w naszych winnicach przy lampce Sagrantino di Montefalco.
Kraj: Włochy
Region: Włochy
Miasto: Foligno (PG) |
Ulica: via Palestro, 18
Telefon: +39 339 1255935
Faks: +39 0742 357417 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
Firma Laurenzi, to rodzinna firma, ktora od pokolen dziala na terenie centralnych Wloch (Umbria), zajmujac sie przede wszystkim produkcja win i oleju extra vergine di oliva. Dzieki polaczeniu wieloletniej tradycji z kontrola jakosci oraz zwroceniu szczegolnej uwagi na kazda faze produkcji firma oferuje produkty o wysokiej jakosci.
Wlascicielem Firmy Laurenzi jest pan Francesco Laurenzi bedacy jednoczesnie prezydentem konsorcjum Valle Umbra a Tavola, ktore gromadzi jednych z najlepszych producentow[...]
Kraj: Włochy
Region: Włochy
Miasto: Due Carrare |
Ulica: Via Mincana, 52
Telefon: +39 49 525559
Faks: +39 49 525499 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
We produce wines in the Doc zone of Euganean Hills (Padova) in the Veneto region, in our winefarm ( a family-owned estate called "La Mincana") story and tradition live together with the work and the young passion of new generation's people.
We are not big producers but from many years we are working only for quality.
We produce all Doc wines: Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Euganean Hills Red ( Merlot with Cabernet Franc), Chardonnay, Serprino ( a local sparkling wine very kind and similar[...]
Kraj: Włochy
Region: Włochy
Miasto: Casteggio |
Ulica: via Circonvallazione Cantù
Telefon: +39 383 805537
Faks: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
We are a specialized wines distributor/wholesaler company based in Italy.
The wines as been accurately selected and all are luxury products and their origin is certified by D.O.C. and I.G.T. designation.
We deal only with the most reknown products of the Oltrepo Pavese area located in Lombardia region.[...]
Kraj: Włochy
Region: Włochy
Miasto: Genoa |
Ulica: Via De Marini 60
Telefon: +39 010 2543610
Faks: |
Firm Rank: 0 |
We are a Family distilling Italian company specialized in premium grappas, distilled from single grapes and producing several varietals and one barrique aged luxury type.
We also produce typical Italian liquors such as sambuca, amaretto, limoncello, amaro, flavored vodkas, whiskies, gin, vodka, brandy and several others.
We are also associated with a large Italian winery producing competitive Italian table and Igt red and white wines, and we therefore handle boutique wineries producing very[...]
Kraj: Włochy
Region: Włochy
Miasto: Roma |
Ulica: Via dei Pini, 23/A
Telefon: +39 06 9314563
Faks: +39 06 9311688 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
We export original Italian pasta (any shape), original italian extra-virgin olive oil and DOC/IGT wines from Roman Hills and Piave valley (several qualities & package). We act as outsourcing export Dept. Of several medium-small factories in Italy, proud for quality, price and efficiency.[...]
Kraj: Włochy
Region: Włochy
Miasto: Rome |
Ulica: Via Aquileia 15
Telefon: +39 06 8558434
Faks: +39 06 233219787 |
Firm Rank: 0 |
AISE is a Professional Firm for the research of new opportunities of export for the Italian Companies, with particular attention to the emergent markets as well as for the research of finished products and materials for the Italian Companies that need of new foreign suppliers.
Animated by valid professionals , AISE is directed by Dr. Alberto Arcangeli who has a long experience in the Italian banking world and a deep acquaintance of the industrial world.
AISE task is to put IN DIRECT CONTACT[...]