Category:Hotels Restaurants Catering
Country:All countries
Country: Poland
Region: Western Pomerania
City: Kołobrzeg |
Street: Dworcowa 10
Phone: +48 94 3528211
Fax: +48 94 3524478 |
Firm Rank: |
 Ladies and Gentlemen,
We have the pleasure of introducing to you our Hotel. Because of the individual care and attention given to each guest, together with traditional Polish hospitality, Hotel NEW SKANPOL has become a popular meeting place for guests from all over the world. We are located in the centre of town opposite a picturesque park, about 800 m from the beach.
The newly renovated Hotel, property of Danish investors, managed by an international team, offers 168 pleasant rooms and 4 suites,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Western Pomerania
City: Stargard Szczeciński |
Street: Barnima 5
Phone: +48 91 578 48 71
Fax: +48 91 834 34 58 |
Firm Rank: |
 STARCO Spółdzielnia Mleczarska (Starco Dairy Cooperative) in Stargard Szczeciński was established as Zakład Mleczarski (Dairy) in 1946. Dairy products are produced in two plants employing 200 people.
The plant situated at 5 Barnima St. produces very popular cream "Delfiko" cottage cheese packed in buckets of 500g and 1000g, Sabrina non-baked cheese cake in tubs of 160g, cottage cheese called "Serek Wiejski", "Delfina cream cottage cheese (175g) and other dairy products,[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Greater Poland
City: Kalisz |
Street: Wrocławska 53-59
Phone: +48 62 762 09 13
Fax: +48 62 762 09 13 |
Firm Rank: |
 The company LENA 2 was established in 2000. Its main product is high quality stock for use in confectionery and baking.
Its market niche was established with the launching of the "Baker's Mixture". Reaching out to meet the European Union's requirements, the company set up a new production facility in 2004. At the same time, the HACCP quality control system was introduced. Current market demands are met owing to a modern machine park facility and systematic instruction of employees in[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Warszawa |
Street: Puławska 426
Phone: +48 22 336 91 63
Fax: +48 22 336 90 09 |
Firm Rank: |
 TANAKE Corporation S.A. działa na rynku już ponad 25 lat. Dwie dekady działalności pozwoliły nam zdobyć doświadczenie i pozycję lidera na rynku dostawców sprzętu i technologii dla szpitali, gastronomii, piekarnictwa, pralnictwa oraz nawodnień i techniki szklarniowej. Prowadzimy działalność handlową w zakresie projektowania, dystrybucji sprzętu oraz części zamiennych i materiałów eksploatacyjnych. Obsługujemy wiele segmentów rynku.
* Zatrudnienie w TANAKE kształtuje się[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Lesser Poland
City: Kraków |
Street: Ładna 2
Phone: +48 500 225050
Fax: |
Firm Rank: |
Zapraszamy do współpracy restauracje, ekskluzywne sklepy,
hotele, hurtownie, domy weselne.
Zapraszamy do współpracy restauracje, ekskluzywne sklepy,
hotele, hurtownie, domy weselne.
Zapraszamy do współpracy restauracje, ekskluzywne sklepy,
hotele, hurtownie, domy weselne.
Zapraszamy do współpracy restauracje, ekskluzywne[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Mazovia
City: Wołomin |
Street: Żwirki i Wigury 4
Phone: +48 22 7992292
Fax: +48 22 7995536 |
Firm Rank: |
 KONPOL was founded in 1996 by the Konopczyńscy brothers.
Initially we ran a number of catering outlets in schools in the Mazowieckie Voivodship. When we took a closer look at children’s preferences and their fondness for sweets, we decided to expand our operations.
In 2003 we were the first company in this market to begin to manufacture candy-floss in 500ml cups. Since then, our candy-floss has become a product available always and everywhere, not only on special occasions. Therefore, we[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Zblewo |
Street: Chojnicka 21a
Phone: +48 58 5884547
Fax: +48 58 5883550 |
Firm Rank: |
 Year offer for 20 people, rest in the vicinity of Tuchola Forest.
Visit us and we will welcome you with a smile!
On-site disposal:
* Sauna
* Solarium
* The gym
* Canoeing River Wda
* Classic massage - Rehabilitation Service
* Winch for aching spine
* Winter Garden
* Bicycles available
* Paths health Tuchola
* Garden Grill[...]
Country: Poland
Region: Pomerania
City: Gdańsk |
Street: Chłopska 72
Phone: +48 58 732 72 67
Fax: +48 58 732 72 94 |
Firm Rank: |
Firma NET LEADER oprócz kilkuletniego stażu na rynku, posiada status autoryzowanego przedstawiciela w dziedzinie oprogramowania GASTRO i CHART na terenie województwa pomorskiego. Tytuł ten, został przyznany w dowód profesjonalizmu oferowanych przez NET LEADER usług wdrożenia i serwisowania systemów hotelowo-gastronomicznych.
Kadra wdrożeniowa wyróżnia się wysokimi kwalifikacjami, popartymi kilkudziesięcioma wdrożeniami systemów informatycznych w trakcie kilkuletniej praktyki,[...]